Deep Learning or Machine Learning? (MathWorks)

“This ebook assumes a basic knowledge of AI technology and discusses the considerations that go into choosing which algorithms you should try first. For an introduction to applying these techniques, see Machine Learning with MATLAB and Introducing Deep Learning with MATLAB.” (MathWorks). [Credit imag: snapshot from (MathWorks)].

Unclassified recommendation

🔘 Book page:


  • SECTION 1: Terminology
  • SECTION 2: Your Project
  • SECTION 3: Your Data
  • SECTION 4: Your Hardware
  • SECTION 5: Example
  • SECTION 6: Conclusion


(Unofficial biography. For informational purposes only)

Matlab Logo.png

MathWorks, Inc.

MathWorks is an American privately held corporation that specializes in mathematical computing software. Its major products Include MATLAB and Simulink, which support data analysis and simulation. (Source: wikipedia)

Sheet book
Internal Id09032020p1
AuthorMathWorks, Inc.
TitleDeep Learning or Machine Learning?
EditorialMathWorks, Inc.
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Book cover
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Sheet book

Please, thank the Publisher

Thank you very much for this work to @MathWorks, via @States_AI_IA #ML #deeplearning #ebook #free #openscience #openaccess #ai #artificialintelligence #ia #thebibleai

 🔘 Table of associated records

RxRegistration ID
R0Hash MD5 (of R3):21a5e77e0bac6acbe2a12ffc0b968052
R1Registration number (in the domain at WordPress):dmeditorialiawp.4152
R2Date-p-order (ddmmyyyypx): 09032020p1
R3Cid (combined id R1+R2):dmeditorialiawp.415209032020p1
R4Resource official title:Deep Learning or Machine Learning?
R5Publisher:MathWorks, Inc.
R7Resource website (2) (Editorial|company)
R12Authors (separated by commas):MathWorks, Inc.
R14Keyword (selected 1 among the labels applied to this entry):=deeplearning
R15QR code (of the linked url at WP):qr code
R16Time stamp URL:

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