R Programming Succinctly



Recommendation numbered, Nº: 23032020p1

🔘 Book page: bit.ly/2xEQgWl


The R programming language on its own is a powerful tool that can perform thousands of statistical tasks, but by writing programs in R, you gain tremendous power and flexibility to extend its base functionality. Senior Succinctly series author and editor James McCaffrey shows you how in R Programming Succinctly.


  • Getting Started
  • Vectors and Functions
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Permutations and Combinations
  • Advanced R Programming


[Unofficial biography. For informational purposes only]

” James McCaffrey works for Microsoft Research in Redmond, Wash. He holds a B.A. in psychology from the University of California at Irvine, a B.A. in applied mathematics from California State University at Fullerton, an M.S. in information systems from Hawaii Pacific University, and a doctorate in cognitive psychology and computational statistics from the University of Southern California. James enjoys exploring all forms of activity that involve human interaction and combinatorial mathematics, such as the analysis of betting behavior associated with professional sports, machine learning algorithms, and data mining “. Source: [syncfusion.com/ebooks/neural-networks-with-javascript-succinctly/about-the-author]. Picture credits snapshot from[microsoft.com/en-us/research/people/jammc]. Personal blog: [jamesmccaffrey.wordpress.com]

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