TechDispatch #1/2020: Contact Tracing with Mobile Applications

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RxRegistration ID
R0Hash MD5 (of R3):2782f1b4a1dece8d1fcf8951c2db2635
R1Registration number (in the domain at WordPress):dmeditorialiawp.10575
R2Date-p-order (ddmmyyyypx): 28052020p1
R3Cid (combined id R1+R2):dmeditorialiawp.1057528052020p1
R4Resource official title:TechDispatch #1/2020: Contact Tracing with Mobile Applications
R5Publisher:European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)
R6Resource website (1) ( #OpenAccess | #Openscience ):
R8Collection (wich resource belongs):TechDispatch
R10ISBN13 (without “-“):9789292424305
R11ISSN (without “-“):2599932X
R12Authors (separated by commas):Robert RIEMANN, Lukasz OLEJNIK
R14Keyword (selected 1 among the labels applied to this entry):=education
R15QR code (of the linked url at WP):
R16Time stamp URL:
R17Digital signature URL:Pending signature