Report on Publications Norms for Responsible AI

 🔘 Table of associated records

<meta name="Description" CONTENT="Artificial Intelligence Journal" />
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RxRegistration ID
R0Hash MD5 (of R3):00354836602c7b84afed6da18fbd7a38
R1Registration number (in the domain at WordPress):dmeditorialiawp.28677
R2Date-p-order (ddmmyyyypx): 20092020p1
R3Cid (combined id R1+R2):dmeditorialiawp.2867720092020p1
R4Resource official title:The State of AI Ethics Report (June 2020)
R6Resource website (1) ( #OpenAccess | #Openscience ):
R8DOIarXiv:2009.07262 [cs.CY]
R12Authors (separated by commas):Abhishek Gupta, Camylle Lanteigne et al
R14Keyword (selected 1 among the labels applied to this entry):=Education
R15QR code (of the linked url at WP):qr code
R16Time stamp URL:
R17Digital signature URL:Pending signature
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