Efficient R programming



Recommendation numbered Nº: 11032020p1

🔘 Book page

- bit.ly/2TD0oaP (Online version  address)
- amzn.to/39mJEd7 (Paid version address)

📌 For your review and personal analysis, copy and paste the address of the book page in your browser. The educational and research community will also thank you for evaluating this information (above). The technical, ethical and labor implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will affect us all. And it is everyone’s responsibility.


There are many excellent R resources for visualization data science, and package development. Hundreds of scattered vignettes, web pages, and forums explain how to use #R in particular domains. But little has been written on how to simply make R work effectively-until now. This hands-on book teaches novices and experienced R users how to write efficient R code. Drawing on years of experience teaching R courses, authors Colin Gillespie and Robin Lovelace provide practical advice on a range of topics-from optimizing the set-up of RStudio to leveraging C++-that make this book a useful addition to any R user’s bookshelf. Academics, business users, and programmers from a wide range of backgrounds stand to benefit from the guidance in Efficient R Programming. Get advice for setting up an R programming environment. Explore general programming concepts and R coding techniques Understand the ingredients of an efficient R workflow. Learn how to efficiently read and write data in R Dive into data carpentry-the vital skill for cleaning raw data Optimize your code with profiling, standard tricks, and other methods Determine your hardware capabilities for handling R computation. Maximize the benefits of collaborative R programming. Accelerate your transition from R hacker to R programmer (Source: Amazon).


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Efficient set-up
  • 3 Efficient programming
  • 4 Efficient workflow
  • 5 Efficient input/output
  • 6 Efficient data carpentry
  • 7 Efficient optimisation
  • 8 Efficient hardware
  • 9 Efficient collaboration
  • 10 Efficient learning


(Unofficial biography. For informational purposes only).

Colin Gillespie

He has published over 40 peer reviewed journal articles in applied and methodological statistics and successfully supervised 5 PhD students. His areas of expertise are high performance statistical computing, bayesian statistics and stochastic kinetic modelling. Over the last few years, he has worked with numerous companies, including, Shell, the NHS, MoD, and a number of Banks. (Source: ncl.ac.uk/maths-physics/staff/profile/colingillespie.html#background)

Robin Lovelace

“Is a researcher at the Leeds Institute for Transport Studies (ITS) and the Leeds Institute for Data Analytics (LIDA). Robin has many years using R for academic research and has taught numerous R courses at all levels. He has developed a number of popular R resources, including Introduction to Visualising Spatial Data in R and Spatial Microsimulation with R (Lovelace and Dumont 2016). These skills have been applied on a number of projects with real-world applications, including the Propensity to Cycle Tool, a nationally scalable interactive online mapping application, and the stplanr package”. (Source: 0nline book website).

🔘 Book page

-Online version  address: bit.ly/2TD0oaP
-Paid version address: amzn.to/39mJEd7

📌 For your review and personal analysis, copy and paste the address of the book page in your browser. The educational and research community will also thank you for evaluating this information (above). The technical, ethical and labor implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will affect us all. And it is everyone’s responsibility.

Please, thank the Publisher

Thank you very much for this useful information to @OReillyMedia, @csgillespie, @robinlovelace via @States_AI_IA #R #datascience #ebook #ai #artificialintelligence #thebibleai

Sheet book
Internal Id11032020p1
AuthorRobin Lovelace, Colin Gillespie
TitleEfficient R Programming
Book website1.- Online version: [csgillespie.github.io/efficientR]
2.- Paid version: amzn.to/39mJEd7
Publication dateDecember, 2016 (2017-04-10)
ISBN 9781491950777
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Sheet book

 🔘 Table of associated records

RxRegistration ID
R0Hash MD5 (of R3):eec747a8e7ce0cebbcb54e23ed8da3ac
R1Registration number (in the domain editorialia.com at WordPress):dmeditorialiawp.3240
R2Date-p-order (ddmmyyyypx): 11032020p1
R3Cid (combined id R1+R2):dmeditorialiawp.324011032020p1
R4Resource official title:Efficient R programming
R6Resource website (1) ( #OpenAccess | #Openscience ): csgillespie.github.io/efficientR
R7Resource website (2) (Editorial|company):oreilly.com/library/view/efficient-r-programming/9781491950777
R10ISBN13 (without “-“):9781491950777
R12Authors (separated by commas):Robin Lovelace, Colin Gillespie
R13ORCID’s (separated by commas):orcid.org/0000-0001-5679-6536, orcid.org/0000-0003-1787-0275
R14Keyword (selected 1 among the labels applied to this entry):=datascience
R15QR code (of the linked url at WP):La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es chart
R16Time stamp URL:web.archive.org/web/20200312071825/https://editorialia.com/2020/03/11/efficient-r-programming/
R17Digital signature URL:Pending signature

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