The Society
AI and the Future of Skills, Volume 1
The OECD launched the Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Skills project to develop a programme that could assess the capabilities of AI and robotics and their impact on education and work. This report represents the first step in developing the methodological approach of the project.
Framework based on parameterized images on ResNet to identify intrusions in smartwatches or other related devices
The continuous appearance and improvement of mobile devices in the form of smartwatches, smartphones and other similar devices has led to a growing and unfair interest in putting their users under the magnifying glass and control of applications.
Los datos como eje principal en el “Estado del arte de la ciencia de datos en el idioma español y su aplicación en el campo de la Inteligencia Artificial”
Los resultados de este estudio son una evidencia del sesgo cultural que existe entre la lengua inglesa y la española en la ciencia de datos. De los 23.771 conjuntos de datos que se encontraron con fecha de consulta 12/04/2021, tan solo 10 se encontraban en castellano
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