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r0:e605066113bd05bcb2ad6161c651d958- Auto Quantum Circuits

Auto Quantum Circuits

«AutoQML, self-assembling circuits, hyper-parameterized Quantum ML platform, using cirq, tensorflow and tfq. Trillions of possible qubit registries, gate combinations and moment sequences, ready to be adapted into your ML flow. Here I demonstrate climatechange, jameswebbspacetelescope and microbiology vision applications… [Thus far, a circuit with 16-Qubits and a gate sequence of [ YY ] – [ XX ] – [CNOT] has performed the best, per my blend of metrics…].

CNN Explainer: Learning Convolutional Neural Networks with Interactive Visualization

CNN Explainer tightly integrates a model overview that summarizes a CNN’s structure, and on-demand, dynamic visual explanation views that help users understand the underlying components of CNNs. Through smooth transitions across levels of abstraction, our tool enables users to inspect the interplay between low-level mathematical operations and high-level model structures.

Isaac Gym: High Performance GPU-Based Physics Simulation For Robot Learning

Isaac Gym offers a high performance learning platform to train policies for wide variety of robotics tasks directly on GPU. Both physics simulation and the neural network policy training reside on GPU and communicate by directly passing data from physics buffers to PyTorch tensors without ever going through any CPU bottlenecks. This leads to blazing fast training times for complex robotics tasks on a single GPU with 2-3 orders of magnitude improvements compared to conventional RL training that uses a CPU based simulator and GPU for neural networks.

Human Learn

Machine learning covers a lot of ground but it is also capable of making bad decision. We’ve also reached a stage of hype that folks forget that many classification problems can be handled by natural intelligence too. This package contains scikit-learn compatible tools that should make it easier to construct and benchmark rule based systems that are designed by humans. You can also use it in combination with ML models. Deep Learning Paper Implementations

This is a collection of simple PyTorch implementations of neural networks and related algorithms. These implementations are documented with explanations, and the website renders these as side-by-side formatted notes. We believe these would help you understand these algorithms better.

Probabilistic Machine Learning: An Introduction

“In this book, we will cover the most common types of ML, but from a probabilistic perspective. Roughly speaking, this means that we treat all unknown quantities (e.g., predictions about the future value of some quantity of interest, such as tomorrow’s temperature, or the parameters of some model) as random variables, that are endowed with probability distributions which describe a weighted set of possible values the variable may have.[…].”.

Addressing Ethical Dilemmas in AI: Listening to Engineers

Documentation is key – design decisions in AI development must be documented in detail, potentially taking inspiration from the field of risk management. There is a need to develop a framework for large-scale testing of AI effects, beginning with public tests of AI systems, and moving towards real-time validation and monitoring. Governance frameworks for decisions in AI development need to be clarified, including the questions of post-market surveillance of product or system performance. Certification of AI ethics expertise would be helpful to support professionalism in AI development teams. Distributed responsibility should be a goal, resulting in a clear definition of roles and responsibilities as well as clear incentive structures for taking in to account broader ethical concerns in the development of AI systems.