Cybersecurity (Articles)


Meaningful privacy and how it is applied in technology will be the focus of 60 privacy preserving leaders from around the globe during the OpenMined Privacy conference Sept 26 and 27 2020 with more than 2000 in attendance virtually.

OpenMined: open source to make privacy-preserving of AI technologies

With OpenMined, an AI model can be governed by multiple owners and trained securely on an unseen, distributed dataset.The mission of the OpenMined community is to create an accessible ecosystem of tools for private, secure, multi-owner governed AI

Privacy Preserving AI – Andrew Trask, OpenMined

Learn the basics of secure and private AI techniques, including federated learning and secure multi-party computation. In this talk, Andrew Trask of OpenMined highlights the importance of privacy preserving machine learning, and how to use privacy-focused tools like PySyft.

Trainings for Cybersecurity Specialists

“ENISA CSIRT training material was introduced in 2008. In 2012, 2013 and 2014 it was complemented with new exercise scenarios containing essential material for success in the CSIRT community and in the field of information security. In these pages you will find the ENISA CSIRT training material, containing Handbooks for teachers, Toolsets for students and Virtual Images to support hands on training sessions. ” The materials continue to be updated in 2020 and are appropriate for use by cybersecurity specialists and decision-makers.


(Change of dates to 2021).Top cyber talents from each participating country will meet in Vienna to network and collaborate and finally compete against each other. Contestants will be challenged in solving security related tasks from domains such as web security, mobile security, crypto puzzles, reverse engineering and forensics and in the process collect points for solving them.

TechDispatch #1/2020: Contact Tracing with Mobile Applications

In public health, contact tracing is the process to identify individuals who have been in contact with infected persons. Proximity tracing with smartphone applications and sensors could support contact tracing. It involves processing of sensitive personal data.

Cumplimiento normativo y seguridad TI en IoT

La conectividad y el tratamiento masivo de datos son dos pilares esenciales para el desarrollo de estos sistemas, los cuales, a su vez, introducen riesgos de seguridad y privacidad que deben ser tratados adecuadamente.

INTERPOL: Impact of COVID-19 on Financial Crimes, webinar

The complexity of acting against cybercriminal internet domains was discussed; also on the techniques used in cybercrime… Information and detailed well-explained was offered by INTERPOL members, on how to detect and act in most cases.