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R0:507c2e7fe07ef9a317eb4c7a51869fdc-Federated Learning: Issues in Medical Application

Federated Learning: Issues in Medical Application

In this presentation, the current issues to make federated learning flawlessly useful in the real world will be briefly overviewed. They are related to data/system heterogeneity, client management, traceability, and security. Also, we introduce the modularized federated learning framework, we currently develop, to experiment various techniques and protocols to find solutions for aforementioned issues. The framework will be open to public after development completes.

R0:f70f5b9bc071317c0c1c9b1d7f122949-Highly accurate protein structure prediction with AlphaFold

Highly accurate protein structure prediction with AlphaFold

Underpinning the latest version of AlphaFold is a novel machine learning approach that incorporates physical and biological knowledge about protein structure, leveraging multi-sequence alignments, into the design of the deep learning algorithm.

Multi-Image Steganography Using Deep Neural Networks

Multi-Image Steganography Using Deep Neural Networks

Steganography is the science of hiding a secret message within an ordinary public message. Over the years, steganography has been used to encode a lower resolution image into a higher resolution image by simple methods like LSB manipulation. We aim to utilize deep neural networks for the encoding and decoding of multiple secret images inside a single cover image of the same resolution.


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