Quantum computing (Article)

r0:e605066113bd05bcb2ad6161c651d958- Auto Quantum Circuits

Auto Quantum Circuits

«AutoQML, self-assembling circuits, hyper-parameterized Quantum ML platform, using cirq, tensorflow and tfq. Trillions of possible qubit registries, gate combinations and moment sequences, ready to be adapted into your ML flow. Here I demonstrate climatechange, jameswebbspacetelescope and microbiology vision applications… [Thus far, a circuit with 16-Qubits and a gate sequence of [ YY ] – [ XX ] – [CNOT] has performed the best, per my blend of metrics…].


#Standards4Quantum: Making Quantum Technology Ready for Industry

The Joint Research Center (JRC) in cooperation with the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC), European Commission’s Directorate General Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CNECT), and the German Institute of Standardisation (DIN), organised in Brussels on 28-29 March 2019 the Putting-Science-Into-Standards (PSIS) workshop on Quantum Technologies.


A quantum engineer’s guide to superconducting qubits

Discussed the phenomenalprogress over the last decade in the engineering of superconducting devices, the development of high-fidelitygate operations, and quantum non-demolition measurements with high signal to noise ratio.