Ciberseguridad | 🇬🇧 Cybersecurity

Cyber Europe 2020: Preparing healthcare sector to respond to cyber crises

In 2020, European countries and the EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) should have organised the 6th pan European cyber crisis exercise, Cyber Europe 2020 (CE2020). However, due to the current health crisis Cyber Europe will be shifted to a later date, yet to be announce. CE2020 is part of the bi-annual Cyber Europe series of exercises launched in 2010.

Cyber Attack Detection thanks to Machine Learning Algorithms

Cybersecurity attacks are growing both in frequency and sophistication over the years. This increasing sophistication and complexity call for more advancement and continuous innovation in defensive strategies. Traditional methods of intrusion detection and deep packet inspection, while still largely used
and recommended, are no longer sufficient to meet the demands of growing security threats.

Guía de diseño de COBIT 2019

Guía de diseño de COBIT 2019: el diseño de una solución de gobernanza de la información y la tecnología es una publicación innovadora para el marco de trabajo de COBIT.

Estándares y seguridad en el uso humano de la IA

Fig. I A. 9.1.1- Atrévete a soñar en GRANDE: los estándares empoderan a los innovadores. Crédito imag. (ISO). URL: Autor: Juan Antonio Lloret Egea ||© 2019. Licencia de uso y distribución: Creative Commons CC BY 4.0.|Escrito: 20/10/2019. Actualizado:20/10/2019. DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.26418.15045 | 9.1-1.- Introducción El campo de la ética y la legalidad en la inteligencia artificial …

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