
R0:0c354476e45d451a73b569693db4f74a-From Zero to Research Scientist full resources guide

From Zero to Research Scientist full resources guide

This guide is designated to anybody with basic programming knowledge or a computer science background interested in becoming a Research Scientist with on Deep Learning and NLP.

Classification based on Topological Data Analysis

Classification based on Topological Data Analysis

Topological Data Analysis (TDA) is an emergent field that aims to discover topological information hidden in a dataset. TDA tools have been commonly used to create filters and topological descriptors to improve Machine Learning (ML) methods. This paper proposes an algorithm that applies TDA directly to multi-class classification problems, even imbalanced datasets, without any further ML stage

Hugging Face datasets

Hugging Face datasets

One-line dataloaders for many public datasets & Efficient data pre-processing

R0: dde004c79ac901067ab1189ea01b8ac7-Data Science: A First Introduction

Data Science: A First Introduction

The book is structured so that learners spend the first four chapters learning how to use the R programming language and Jupyter notebooks to load, wrangle/clean, and visualize data, while answering descriptive and exploratory data analysis questions. The remaining chapters illustrate how to solve four common problems in data science, which are useful for answering predictive and inferential data analysis questions[…]


Bayesian Data Analysis: book & course

This book is intended to have three roles and to serve three associated audiences: an introductory text on Bayesian inference starting from first principles, a graduate text on effective current approaches to Bayesian modeling and computation in statistics and related fields, and a handbook of Bayesian methods in applied statistics for general users of and researchers in applied statistics. Although introductory in its early sections, the book is definitely not elementary in the sense of a first text in statistics