Robótica | 🇬🇧 Robotics

R0:a56672bf43097f7a50286448af70703b-Isaac Gym: High Performance GPU-Based Physics Simulation For Robot Learning

Isaac Gym: High Performance GPU-Based Physics Simulation For Robot Learning

Isaac Gym offers a high performance learning platform to train policies for wide variety of robotics tasks directly on GPU. Both physics simulation and the neural network policy training reside on GPU and communicate by directly passing data from physics buffers to PyTorch tensors without ever going through any CPU bottlenecks. This leads to blazing fast training times for complex robotics tasks on a single GPU with 2-3 orders of magnitude improvements compared to conventional RL training that uses a CPU based simulator and GPU for neural networks.

Research and innovation in smart mobility and services in Europe

For smart mobility to be cost-efficient and ready for future needs, adequate research and innovation (R&I) in this field is necessary. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of R&I in smart mobility and services in Europe.

Robots in a rush: time-aware AI aids human-machine interaction

The TIMESTORM consortium, funded by the EU’s Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) programme, has transformed the notion of time perception in artificial intelligence from an immature, poorly defined subject into a promising new research strand, drawing on diverse expertise in psychology and neurosciences as well as robotics and cognitive systems.